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Press releases and statements about HIV and related topics


NAT responds to Government's New Welfare Reform Bill
Changes to the benefits system must recognise unique problems faced by people with HIV NAT (National AIDS Trust) welcomes the...
NAT Welcomes Lancet Report Calling for Needle Programs in Prison
NAT (National AIDS Trust) welcomes the report Interventions to Reduce HIV Transmission Related to Injecting Drug Use in Prison by...
On Human Rights Day HIV Charities Speak Out About Deportation
AHPN and NAT say UK Government's policy is putting lives at risk Two key UK HIV charities, AHPN (African HIV...
NAT welcomes new Northern Ireland Sexual Health Promotion Strategy
On 1 December, World AIDS Day, the first ever Sexual Health Promotion Strategy and Action Plan for Northern Ireland was...
New Figures Show Increasing Number of People Living with HIV
Growing number of hetrosexuals acquiring HIV within the UK The latest figures from the Health Protection Agency reveal that the...
Record Levels of HIV Diagnoses Among Gay and Bisexual Men as More Men Get Tested
Younger gay men lead the way in getting tested The latest figures from the Health Protection Agency reveal that more...
NAT's Position on Current Restrictions on Blood Donation
Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT (National AIDS Trust), comments: "NAT is not convinced by the justification put forward for...
DfID Announce £220 Million New Fund for HIV Research
DfID have announced a new £220 million fund for HIV research which will fund projects that are developing new prevention technologies.
Need to Improve Prevention and Testing to Combat Undiagnosed HIV Among Africans and Caribbeans
New statistics released today from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) show that 42 per cent of all Africans diagnosed with...
NAT renews its call for the EU to protect people living with HIV from discrimination
NAT is calling upon the European Union to provide for the first time explicit protection from discrimination for people living...
HIV positive asylum seekers left destitute by local authorities
Vulnerable asylum seekers are being left at risk of homelessness and destitution, following the House of Lords ruling in M...
New benefits system may mean unfairness and greater poverty for people living with HIV
New benefits system may mean unfairness and greater poverty for people living with HIV.
Sex and relationships education in schools
NAT welcomes compulsory sex and relationships education in schools... but asks what about same sex relationships?
NAT marks its 21st year and launches a report examining HIV in 2008
To mark NAT's 21st birthday a new report "HIV... All Grown Up?" examines the HIV epidemic in 2008.
New HIV Testing Guidelines
NAT (National AIDS Trust) welcomes the new UK National Guidelines for HIV Testing , published by British HIV Association (BHIVA),...
Review of the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV
The Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV published today the review of the National Strategy for Sexual Health...
Failure to Diagnose Early Stage Symptoms is Fuelling Spread of HIV
The National AIDS Trust has today released the report "Primary HIV Infection". The report finds conclusive evidence that symptoms of...
Call for the European Union to prohibit discrimination against people living with HIV
We the undersigned call upon the European Union to provide explicit protection from discrimination for people living with HIV from...
NAT urges EU to Protect People Living with HIV From Discrimination
The National AIDS Trust is calling upon the European Union to provide for the first time explicit protection from discrimination...
National AIDS Trust says European Decision a Setback for Human Rights
The European Court of Human Rights has rejected an HIV-positive Ugandan woman's claim to stay in the UK.