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Press releases and statements about HIV and related topics


National AIDS Trust Welcomes Welsh Assembly Decision to Grant Health Care to Refused Asylum Seekers
Health Minister Edwina Hart has today announced Wales will now allow refused asylum seekers to access free health care.
World AIDS Day Vaccine
On the occasion of World AIDS Vaccine Day, Sunday 18 May 2008, Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of the National AIDS...
Britain and Condoms: The On-Off Relationship
Nearly half (49 percent) of the British public don't always use a condom when with a new sexual partner, according...
National AIDS Trust Comments on Search for an AIDS Vaccine
Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of the National AIDS Trust, comments: “Almost 7,000 people are newly infected with HIV everyday. Now...
National AIDS Trust Gives Guidance for Professionals on Asylum Seekers and HIV
The National AIDS Trust has today, 21 April, published HIV and the UK Asylum Pathway. More people than ever before...
National AIDS Trust Welcomes Landmark High Court Judgement
The High Court has ruled that failed asylum seekers are entitled to free NHS treatment.
HIV Still Increasing Among Gay men
HIV Still Increasing Among Gay menIn response to the initial 2007 figures on HIV, released by the Health Protection Agency...
National AIDS Trust Welcomes Asylum Commission Report
The National AIDS Trust welcomes the interim report published today from the Independent Asylum Commission.
Public Policy Announced on the Criminal Prosecution of Sexually Transmitted Infections
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has announced new public policy and guidance to prosecutors to explain how it deals with...
Next Generation Microbicides offer new New Hope for Womens Sexual Health
On International Women's Day, 8 March 2008, the National AIDS Trust calls on Government and pharmaceutical companies to support trials...
Dame Denise Platt wins Public Servant Award
Dame Denise Platt has been named Public Servant of the Year in the 2008 Dods and Scottish Widows "Women in...
Over 90 percent of the british public do not fully understand how hiv is transmitted
The National AIDS Trust announces today [17 January], findings from their Public Attitudes Towards HIV Survey, which shows more than...