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MEDFASH: Novel approaches to testing for sexually transmitted infections including HIV and hepatitis B and C in Europe

November 2012
HIV and Recruitment: Advice for employers

HIV and Recruitment: Advice for employers

July 2012
HIV at work: Advice for employers

HIV at work: Advice for employers

July 2012

Sexual & reproductive health & HIV: Crucial Issues for Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessments & Local Health & Wellbeing Strategies

January 2012
Hepatitis C and HIV Co-infection

Hepatitis C and HIV Co-infection

January 2012
Fluctuating Symptoms of HIV

Fluctuating Symptoms of HIV

August 2011

MEDFASH: Psychological support for adults living with HIV

January 2011

MEDFASH: HIV testing: increasing uptake and effectiveness in the European Union

December 2010