
Stay informed and up to date by downloading our guides, policy reports and annual reviews 


Investigation Guidance relating to the Criminal Transmission of HIV

January 2019

Prosecutions for Criminal Transmission of HIV and other STIs: Table of Cases

December 2018

HIV Schools Pack

November 2018

Changing Perceptions: talking about HIV and attitudes

November 2018

Changing Perceptions: Talking about HIV and our needs

November 2018

Changing Perceptions: Talking about HIV and our Relationships

November 2018

Cuts to public health are cuts to the NHS

November 2018


October 2018

We Need PrEP on the NHS Now - a community statement

September 2018

Who has to pay?

September 2018

How NHS overseas visitors charges apply to migrants and asylum seekers in England

Going to law for prep: a case study from england

September 2018

Positive Finance: access to insurance for people living with HIV in the UK

September 2018

HIV Outbreak in Glasgow: More Needs to Be Done

July 2018

Tackling Blood-Borne Viruses in Prison

December 2017

Reporting HIV - How to get it right

November 2017
Let's End It pledge board

Let's End It pledge board

September 2017