
Stay informed and up to date by downloading our guides, policy reports and annual reviews 



December 2016

MEDFASH: HIV for non-HIV specialists: Diagnosing the undiagnosed

December 2016

MEDFASH: National Clinical Audit of STIs and HIV: Feasibility Study Report

March 2016

Implementing the care act

February 2016

MEDFASH: HIV in Primary Care: A practical guide for primary healthcare professional in Europe

January 2016

Redesigning the NHS: Report of focus groups of people living with HIV in England for the HIV in the Future NHS Conference

January 2016
HIV: A guide for care providers

HIV: A guide for care providers

July 2015

MEDFASH: Sexual health commissioning in local government: building strong relationships, meeting local needs

June 2015

MEDFASH: Making it work: A guide to whole system commissioning for sexual health, reproductive health and HIV

March 2015
The Dispersal Process for Asylum Seekers Living with HIV

The Dispersal Process for Asylum Seekers Living with HIV

September 2014

MEDFASH: Halving late diagnosis of HIV: a toolkit for local action

July 2014
HIV Patient Information and NHS Confidentiality

HIV Patient Information and NHS Confidentiality

January 2014
HIV Care in Immigration Removal Centres

HIV Care in Immigration Removal Centres

December 2013
What do GPs learn about HIV?

What do GPs learn about HIV?

December 2013
HIV and Injecting Drug Use

HIV and Injecting Drug Use

July 2013
What you need to know about HIV abroad

What you need to know about HIV abroad

July 2013