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Press releases and statements about HIV and related topics


Use of NHS patient information for Home Office immigration enforcement - NAT response
Yusef Azad, Director of Strategy, said: “We strongly disagree with the decision by the NHS to hand over patient information...
PrEP contributes to 40% drop in HIV diagnoses at UK’s busiest sexual health clinic
Yesterday, the 56 Dean Street clinic in Soho, London, announced a 40% drop in HIV diagnoses in 2016. This was...
NAT welcome new HIV prevention drug funding after court win
NHS England has announced funding for a major new clinical trial using PrEP as a means of preventing new HIV...
National AIDS Trust sets out vision for HIV in the Future NHS
On World AIDS Day (1 December) the National AIDS Trust (NAT) is releasing a call-to-action on how the needs of...
Sammy Wilson MP's comment on HIV - National AIDS Trust response
Deborah Gold, Chief Executive, NAT (National AIDS Trust), said: NAT are shocked and saddened that a straightforward letter to an...
Prime Minister and other party leaders take stand against HIV stigma with World AIDS Day speeches
Video messages from the leaders of the Conservative Party, Labour, SNP and Liberal Democrats have been released online by NAT...
Elton John AIDS Foundation supports vital work on PrEP
After the PrEP win in the Court of Appeal last week, NAT and PrEPster warmly welcome the continued support from...
Final PrEP HIV drug case win for National AIDS Trust at Court of Appeal
Final PrEP HIV drug case win for National AIDS Trust at Court of Appeal The Court of Appeal has ruled...
Court of Appeal judgement on NHS PrEP case due on Thursday
The Court of Appeal will deliver their judgment on Thursday November 10 at 10.30 AM at the Royal Courts of Justice.
National AIDS Trust responds to Green Paper on work, health and disability
Responding to the announcement of a Green Paper on how the Government will support people with disabilities and long-term conditions...
European delays on HIV prevention drug endanger gay men and others at risk of HIV
New report shows men seeking out new HIV prevention despite government resistance. A new report, PrEP Access in Europe ,...
HIV diagnosis rates continue at unacceptably high levels says NAT (National AIDS Trust)
Today Public Health England has released new data on diagnoses of HIV in 2015. The data shows that rates of...
NAT set to defend high court ruling on PrEP tomorrow
NHS England is appealing the ruling that said they unlawfully cut PrEP, the drug which prevents HIV aquisition, from their...
NAT (National AIDS Trust) prepares to defend historic win against NHS England on PrEP
The charity has launched a crowdfunding appeal in order to raise vital funds to cover their legal costs for the...
NAT urges NHS England to respect the court’s ruling and give PrEP a fair hearing
NAT (National AIDS Trust) has urged NHS England not to appeal the historic ruling by the High Court yesterday that...
Historic win for NAT as the High Court overturns NHS England refusal to consider PrEP
NAT (National AIDS Trust) is delighted by the judgment passed down in the High Court today that NHS England acted...
High Court to review legality of NHS England decision on PrEP
Today NAT (National AIDS Trust) will challenge in the High Court the legality of the NHS England decision to remove...
National AIDS Trust responds to increased STI rates amongst gay and bisexual men
Public Health England has today published statistics on the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in England.
NHS England once again denies the public PrEP
NHS England has confirmed its decision to remove PrEP from the official NHS commissioning process, leaving this potentially life changing...
The NHS will now consider putting PrEP back into the NHS decision-making process following the threat of legal action from the National AIDS Trust (NAT)
On 21 March, NHS England announced it was pulling the plug on its decision-making process on whether to make PrEP...