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PrEP drug patent overturned in UK - NAT respond

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The High Court has today overturned Gilead's patent extension on Truvada, the HIV drug also used in PrEP. 

Deborah Gold, chief executive of NAT (National AIDS Trust) said: “We welcome this court decision, which overturns the patent extension for Truvada (this is the HIV prevention drug used for PrEP). The decision will mean that unbranded versions of the drug can be legally prescribed. This represents a huge cost saving to buying a drug that would save public money, even at full price. We continue to urge the NHS in England to commission PrEP by April 2019, as the current trial is not reaching everyone at risk, indeed some have acquired HIV after being turned away from clinics whose trial places are full.

“With the generic, unbranded version of the drug available at a fraction of the cost, the pressure increases on NHS England to begin routine commissioning, and make PrEP available to all who need it, urgently.”

For copies of the judgment, interviews or further comment, please email Senior Communications Officer Charlie Alderwick on or call 020 7814 6727 (for out of hours press enquiries call 07580 094013)

Reporting HIV

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About NAT

NAT (National AIDS Trust) is the UK’s leading charity dedicated to transforming society’s response to HIV. We provide fresh thinking, expertise and practical resources. We champion the rights of people living with HIV and campaign for change.

Shaping attitudes. Challenging injustice. Changing lives.

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