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What does the AM (Zimbabwe) case mean for people living with HIV at risk of removal?

November 2021
Briefing paper by Zehrah Hasan (Garden Court Chambers) and National AIDS Trust

HIV and migration: Understanding the barriers faced by people born abroad living with HIV in the UK

June 2021

Immigration detention and HIV: advice for healthcare and operational staff

March 2019

Who has to pay?

September 2018

How NHS overseas visitors charges apply to migrants and asylum seekers in England

Policy Briefing: Access to formula milk for mothers living with HIV in the UK

Policy Briefing: Access to formula milk for mothers living with HIV in the UK

April 2017
Who has to pay?

Who has to pay?

April 2016
How NHS overseas visitors charges apply to migrants and asylum seekers in England
The Dispersal Process for Asylum Seekers Living with HIV

The Dispersal Process for Asylum Seekers Living with HIV

September 2014
HIV Care in Immigration Removal Centres

HIV Care in Immigration Removal Centres

December 2013